90's rock music, assignments and political musings

I am sitting at my computer, freezing my arse off (I am certain it's about 2 degrees at the moment), being irritated by spellcheck and singing along to 'Brimful of Asha'... my life feels rather absurd. 

First off, I would like to get something off my chest. Why is it that all computers sold here in Sunny Oz come with British English and American English? What about poor little old Australian English?! My wonderful Macbook, that does a million more things than I am aware of and probably has a higher IQ than me, has let me down. I write Gday; it comes up with that irritating little red line. I write ocker; again with the line. I write arse as it is spelled in Oz; line. Not that I regularly use words like ocker in my writing but if I did, I would like to not have to click ignore a million times when spell checking. Ok so ranting is over. For now. 

Now, I am an expert procrastinator, hell I procrastinated for four years after high school before I decided that I wasn't getting any younger and if I wanted a degree before senility I would have to start Uni now. So here I am, Tuesday night, and I have two, count em TWO assignments due Friday. Have I started? Kind of. Kind of not at all. Never mind, who needs sleep right? I am kidding myself that I needed to write this blog post before I could concentrate on study. However, cyberspace has an infinite amount of other delights to keep me amused to the wee hours...Facebook's Mafia Wars is definitely one of them. Perhaps setting a finishing target of senility was a bit ambitious...

Speaking of ambition...actually not at all, but I wanted to point something out and get an opinion... why is it that, in the Australian media anyway, when George W Bush miraculously became leader of the free world he was always referred to as 'President Bush' BUT now we have President Obama and anything I read about him refers to him as 'Mr Obama'?! 

This has me confused and slightly befuddled. Is it simply because he's a newbie and eventually it will come in to the vernacular? Is it because he is black? Is it because he is young? 
Personally I think it is extremely disrespectful, particularly in light of the fact that he is able to speak without sounding like a moron, unlike his predecessor.

 *I must point out at this time that were I an american voter I would be strongly in favour of the Democrats, and yes I believe Former President Dubya is a moron.*

I would love to know what you think, and if you think I am simply being a suspicious hippy, or if you even shock horror agree with me. 

Much love and paranoia 
Alana xx
2 Responses
  1. Bluebelle Says:

    Hmm, good point. Maybe the media wanted to put distance between themselves and "President Bush", whereas "Mr Obama" is portrayed as a normal, everyday guy? I think you're right though, he's working hard for that title and doing pretty well so far...it should be "President Obama"!

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Hmm, good point. Maybe the media wanted to put distance between themselves and "President Bush", whereas "Mr Obama" is portrayed as a normal, everyday guy? I think you're right though, he's working hard for that title and doing pretty well so far...it should be "President Obama"!

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